First, make sure your Client’s bad mood or funk stops with you. Don’t let it affect you! Take a deep breath and remember how you came to the office today. This neutrality is key and allows you to help fix the problem rather than be a part of it.
- Assess where your Client is emotionally, mentally, and physically. If your Client is going through a hard time, see in what ways you can help them. If your Client is running into an issue and continues running into it, figure out a solution for them or clear up bandwidth for them to be able to figure out a solution. If your Client is having an off day, find out what cheers them up and do just that. If your Client is trying to recover from something, be there for them and help them recover. Continue to assess where they are so you can help them every step of the way. Remember, you don't have to solve everything. Sometimes the best thing you can do is keep things out of their way so they can solve.
- Keep it short. If you have daily 1-on-1 meetings, keep them short and simple. Hit them with only one or two important updates, save the rest for the next day when they are in a better mood. Try to stick with positive updates.
- Control their messages. You know that your Client has had a hard day, help control who has contact with your Client. Allowing very little interaction with them will help ease their stress of dealing with employees or customers.
- Offer to order lunch. Sometimes during a stressful day, you notice that your Client doesn't get a moment to eat lunch, offer to order lunch to be delivered to their office or house. Order food from their favorite restaurant - this will most likely make them happy.
- Take tasks off their plate. If you see that your Client is overwhelmed with tasks and they are getting frustrated, take action by helping with some of their tasks. If your Client has a hard time delegating, check out My Client Won't Delegate Anything article to learn how to set healthy delegation habits!
- Calm the storm. If you've been asking for decisions to be made on a project, calm the waves by making comments like, "No worries on that project, I'll circle back tomorrow, and we can discuss."
- Talk about the future. Sometimes it's hard to see the company's future when you're stressed about the current state. Help lift their mood by talking about the progress that has been made and about the company's goal. But keep it light and casual stay away from conversations about the now.
- Humor. Don't be afraid to make them laugh; after all, laughter is the best medicine. If you know your Client likes funny dog YouTube videos, find a couple of videos to send their way, this will help lighten their mood.